In getting a feel for where I'd like this blog to go, and because I happened to catch an online read-a-thon at the cusp of a new go-around, I decided to participate in the Bout of Books Read-a-Thon (it's #20!). Or... Maybe because I'm a first-timer to any kind of organized blogging event, I'll say "participate loosely" because I'm not sure how it will work for me one way or another. I plan to update this post daily with page counts, links to anything relevant, favorite quotes, likely some read-a-thon participation stuff, and maybe some other things I come up with as I go. This will be a little experiment in seeing how much I can get myself to read and to see how I like joining in on blog events like this. Unrelated to Bout-of-Books but popping this here anyway: Consider checking out PaperbackSwap . I'm not affiliated, but I do think it's potentially a great way to unload books that others are looking for and you collect swap poin...