I keep starting new blogs. I've blogged in one way or another for many years now. Rooted back when no one had yet blogged but everyone had an online journal. I feel a sense of real nostalgia for those days. Reading the posts of people writing about nothing and everything. Online journalers winging it with crude, no-frills HTML to varying degrees of success...
... But now I start blogs and I abandon them. I do so in an attempt to find something that fits. I go wrong in a few different ways. Trying too hard to focus in on one topic, letting the blog cover too many topics, getting too self-righteous, trying too hard to be too neutral, lack of passion due to sometimes crippling depression........ I could go on.
This one I started without a real title, without my name, and without a photo. In all honesty, trying to name another blog was irritating me plain and simple so I figured I'd back burner it for now. In terms of being anonymous, the idea struck me as enticing. Maybe just for now or maybe not. I find it frees me to explore what I would like to do without too much over-analyzation and self-awareness.
With all that, I've said nothing.
I have vague dreams for this newest one. I will throw it at you in a kind of stream-of-conscious list... Books, photos, productivity, freelancing, news, recycling, ideas, poetry, food, and things I love. I guess, yes, a blog about me. A way to get back into writing and sharing ideas more regularly. Maybe, at best, a tool to push me to explore more. Myself. Ideas. Beautiful things. The world.
Hello. And welcome.
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